Exploring the Veda - A Course in Vedic Wisdom
Hi Friends
If you're reading this - I'm guessing you're a Vedic Meditator - or at the least - you're interested in becoming one.
And if you are already a meditator, I'm sure there's a part of you that has wondered....is there more to this practice than just the meditation?
And of course - the answer is - absolutely.
Underpinning the technique we know as Vedic Meditation is a whole world of practical wisdom that can be distilled from the ancient Vedic texts and utilised for our evolution.
You could think of it like this - if the meditation is the plane to enlightenment, adding knowledge of the Veda to the plane is like jumping in the fastlane.
And luckily for us, my teacher Maharishi Vyasand Saraswati Thom Knoles has created a course that we can enjoy together and jump in that fast lane.
Exploring The Veda as taught by Thom Knoles was designed by Thom to extract the most practical wisdom from the ancient Vedic texts. It is widely considered the most powerful course in Vedic knowledge in existence today.
Even diligent, long term meditators can have a tendency to hold onto old habits and ways of thinking that make them suffer unnecessarily. The Vedic texts call this tendency “the mistaken intellect”. Exploring the Veda systematically corrects these mistakes of the intellect, eliminating fear and allowing us to enjoy the peace and freedom that is available to us.
Often described by meditators as deeply profound and even transformational, these weekends consist of listening to recordings made by Thom, who is recognized as one of the world’s foremost masters of Veda and its true meaning and application in today’s modern world.
In these recordings, Thom distills the whole of the Veda — known to be the blueprint of creation and to confer mastery of all the laws of nature — in a very relatable and applicable way. He delves deeply into the Vedic Worldview and draws out pearls of wisdom with life-changing practical application.
In between recordings – we enjoy in-depth discussion about this supreme knowledge and how we can integrate it into our daily lives. We reserve plenty of time to answer all of the questions that bubble up as a result of re-awakening this wisdom within ourselves, and we make sure to nourish our bodies with freshly-cooked, organic, vegetarian meals and snacks throughout the weekend.
The complete Exploring the Veda series consists of 73 hours broken down into six installments. Each of the non-residential weekend installments can be enjoyed individually, with no obligation to complete all six. However, the course must be completed in sequential order, as each installment leads naturally into the next.
What you'll get:
Receive an Advanced Technique only available on ETV
Learn an advanced pranayama (breathwork) technique
Hours of lively Q&A discussion with myself
Freshly prepared meals, snacks, sweets and tea throughout
Deeper connection with other members of the Vedic community
Ongoing whatsapp group for questions and integration support
What you'll learn:
How the universe really works
The purpose of life
A deeper understanding and experience of meditation
How to expand your consciousness more quickly
The causes of suffering and how to eliminate it from your life
How to manifest fulfilling life experiences
Learnt Vedic Meditation in person in the four day format
Be meditating regularly
Schedule (Matt's house in Malibu)
Fri Sept 13 - 5pm to 9pm (dinner included)
Sat Sept 14- 10am to 6pm (lunch included)
Sun Sept 15 - 10am to 6pm (lunch included)
If these dates do not work for you but you are still interested please let us know as we may be able to run a second group. Private courses are available upon request.
Subsequent dates for ETV 2 - 6 will be discussed as a group.
If you want to speed up your evolution, the best way is to take in advanced knowledge.
For further information - please email me at matt@matthandley.com.
Lots of Love