The Election
Today, I'd like to talk about the election.
But not the election that was just held here in the US.
The election I want to talk about is way more important than that one.
The election I want to talk about is your own personal election - one you face every day, namely - do you want to continue to make the same choices, do the same things, behave in the same manner (and thereby get the same results) or do you want to elect to make a change.
If you're a Vedic meditator and you're meditating twice daily, you can stop reading. You're already systematically upgrading, on a daily basis, the physiology through which your whole decision making process gets filtered. As you, each day, unwind the stress you've accumulated over your lifetime, and give yourself the adaption energy necessary to cease taking on stress, irrespective of what's going on around you, you're naturally and effortlessly enabling change to be a spontaneous part of your life.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to suggest that you're doing different things, or things differently, and getting different (better) results.
You can also stop reading this if you're truly happy with your choices, the things you do and the results you get. You don't need Vedic Meditation.
But if there's a part of you that feels like you're doing the same things and getting the same results, that you're stuck in a rut, or that life isn't flowing for you, read on.
When we have stress in our physiology, this is the lens through which we see life. In the same way that a green tree looks orange when viewed through an orange lens, a beautiful day can appear to be stressful when viewed through a physiology full of stress.
Vedic meditation washes away the stress that, to use the analogy, makes the green tree appear orange.
As the tree transforms from orange to green, so too does our decision making process transform from one being governed by stress, to one being governed by what's actually there in front of us.
Hence - our whole decision making process gets a twice a day upgrade.
All you need to do - tick the box that says I'd like to learn to meditate - or if you are a meditator that has stopped, tick the box that says moving forward, I will now elect to meditate.
The truth is - regarding that other election - where the people of the United States were asked to pick a leader - we as individuals really don't have much power over that.
Our leaders are just a reflection of the consciousness state of the people they lead. And we can't change that.
But we can elect to change ourselves - our consciousness state - and when we do that - those around us also get an upgrade - and eventually, our election on a personal level - leads to change on the national level.
Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to learn Vedic Meditation, or re-inspire your practice.
As my teacher's teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi used to say, welcome to the solution to all problems.
Much love