What is Guru?
In sanskrit, the language of the Veda, gu means remover and ru - means darkness so when they come together to form the word guru, the meaning becomes remover of darkness.
In the West, when we think of the word guru, typically, we think of men in caves with long beards and wise words. But actually, a guru is whatever removes darkness from us. Yes, it can be a wise old sage but it can equally be a missed plane connection, a broken heart, a mean boss.
All can serve the function of guru.
Wherever there is a lesson to be learned, there is guru.
We can also think of it another way. Rather than a shedding of darkness, it can similarly be viewed as an illuminator of light - revealing what was always there.
Every July on the full moon, meditators in our tradition gather together to honour the Vedic Masters who brought the light to the Vedic knowledge we enjoy today.
Likewise, we acknowledge and celebrate all the lessons we have learned over the past 12 months that have brought us to where we are now.
This celebration is known as Guru Purnima and is my favourite day on the Vedic calendar.
And this year, if you're in Los Angeles, as I am, we have the great good fortune of having the opportunity to celebrate it with my teacher and Vedic Master, Thom Knoles.
The evening will begin with "Puja", the beautiful gratitude ceremony you witnessed when you learned to meditate followed by group meditation and discussion and will conclude with sweets and a moonlit stroll.
I can't recommend it more highly.
Details are as follows:
Saturday, July 20, 2024
7:30-10:00 pm
Hotel MDR Marina Del Rey (Panache Ballroom)
Open to all Vedic Meditators
Register here https://thomknoles.com/los-angeles-guru-purnima-celebration/
If you aren't in Los Angeles, follow this link to some other options around the world https://thomknoles.com/guru-purnima/
Lots of love and Jai Guru Deva
PS Group Meditation is on every Monday, 6pm PST - join in person in Malibu or online - open to all Vedic Meditators. Message for details.
My teacher Thom Knoles and I on the day I graduated from Initiator Training.